Commission Cover Up Review

By | October 26, 2013

Commission Cover UpDo you know what Commission Cover Up is? I would like to explain it to you so give me a few minutes of your time and read my unbiased Commission Cover Up Review!

Name: Commission Coverup


Owner: Ryan Ramsey

Price: $50.00

Overall Rating: 35 out of 100

Commission Cover Up Overviewcommission coverup2

Ryan Ramsey has found a totally hidden 3 part internet traffic glitch online that everybody else has passed over in his commission cover up. A totally untouched source of money online that he has exploited for an easy 6 figure income per month with a one time setup of 20 minutes, but the others will come quicker as you get more experience with the system. This glitch is bigger then Google, Bing, and Yahoo combined but it makes money from all 3 of them plus others that are not mentioned here without you having to learn how to use any of them. He says he does not play the Guru game he just simply makes money with his proven 3 part traffic system that has found the back door to all of the search engines. He says he was a high level techie back when Google started up and was there on the bottom floor and worked his way up learning everything about the internet, but got bored and then started in his journey thru internet marketing.

Pros And Cons


  • Back door to Google, Bing, and Yahoo plus others
  • 20 minutes for the first setup and as you get experience you can do it in just 3 minutes
  • Income just keeps growing
  • No need to pay for traffic anymore
  • You will be able to make 6 figure income within 1 year


  • There is no backdoor to traffic anywhere you have to draw it to you with great content
  • 20 minute setup after hours of watching training videos after training videos
  • You have to work for your traffic that is a proven fact
  • There is no way anyone can teach you how to make a 6 figure income in 1 year not even college can do this.


Who Is Commission Cover Up Really For?internet gurus

Just like all of the other get rich quick systems out there they are designed for internet gurus with there large e-mail capture pages that is created from all of these get rich quick shinny systems from each other. They even create contest to see who can get the most sales off of each other and promise there e-mail participants list to them when they set up a scam like this. In these contest it is not just who sells the most that gets recognition they actually have large cash prizes given out to the top winners and this is not just pennies it is thousands of dollars that is made off of you and me. So come on people wise up to these Gurus and fight back with me!


To tell you the truth I am sick and tired of these freaks trying to rip us off all of the time. Now if you are looking for a place that is free from theses types of scams click below to join us in our fight against these ever growing scam artist that just loves to take your money and laugh at you all the way to the bank!


Commission Cover Up Tools And Trainingcommission coverup1

When you finally get into the members area after what seems like hours of extra video to upsell bigger and better additions to your original price to get into the tools area. In this area you will find a basic webpage that has a header and click on tabs of 5 separate stages of training and in each stage there are several videos you will need to watch and learn all about internet marketing. There is also a software tab where you can purchase 3 additional downloadable softwares to help you out more, but I am sure they will cost you extra money sorry I did not click on them to find out. Then there is a bonus tab to click on so you can make addition money drinking some drinks he is promoting plus other ad banners he is affiliated with.

Commission Cover Up Support

There is a help tab also which takes you to a page with frequently asked questions and answers just like all the others do. Plus this one has a picture of a phone tab to click on but who knows where that is going to connect you to maybe a money costing site that takes your money also.

Commission Cover Up Pricecommission coverup3

There is a members area only cost of $50.00

But you can pay $197.00 or the cut rate of $97.00 for additional coaching that only a chosen few of us can sign up for, which means who ever wants to pay for this its yours.

Then you can get his special offer to his Commission Lab which come with 10 automatic commission money makers that his best people will build especially for you at a special price of $97.oo, but if you do not want this one he will have them make you 5 for only $67.00. This sounds like a very great deal if you are a newbie in this business.

Now he will offer you a secret super software that all you have to do is plug and play and it will super charge all of your sites to get super traffic. Sorry I did not click on it to find out how much this was going to cost me. WOW look at all these upsells LOL!

My Final Opinion Of Commission Cover Up

I do not know about you but I am truly tired of these kind of a__holes that like to exploit people to the fullest and take there hard earned money and laugh at us when they spend it on rich lavish things that they are always showing us on these videos. Especially this one he just starts out putting us hard working people down because we are not part of his elite GURU’S. But he does say he is tired of all of them even though he made this product just so they all can get rich off of you and me. I do give him a little higher ranking due to the video training you get can teach you how to do internet marketing, but you do need the help and support of people to walk you thru the parts you do not understand. Were I set I have all of the support of a lot of highly professional internet marketing that is willing to give there knowledge away for free everyday all you have to do is ask and they will help you out. So if you are tired of these people exploiting you read a little bit more towards the end of this blog to see what I am talking about.

This concludes my Commission Cover Up Review for now!

Commission Cover Up At A Glance

Name: Commission Cover up


Owner: Ryan Ramsey

Price: $50.00

Overall Rating: 35 out of 100




If you truly want to learn how to do Internet Marketing and you are willing to spend as much time as you can, then I do know of a product that will definitely point you in the right direction, but it will take time and effort from you to build your online business. This is not a get rich quick scheme like this one I just did a review on, this one is an online university and it is free to join. The first course consist of 10 lessons on how to get your website up and running this is the free starter membership one. But if you like what you see you can become a premium member where there is unlimited amount of knowledge to be learned by you at your own pace. The premium membership is a pay per month, with unlimited amount of websites and hosting for the low price of just $47 per month. You are not obligated to go premium you can stay a starter member with your 2 free websites plus hosting forever. So come give our great community a try and learn from some of the best internet marketers on the web, oh yea they give all of there help to you for free. Just click on the icon below to sign-up for free!


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2 thoughts on “Commission Cover Up Review

    1. Tommy Post author

      That is what they are hoping for the green horns to show up. Thanks for your comment


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