Shih Tzu Puppy Scams are all over the place. Me and my wife just got scammed by a website we visited recently and please do not go there like we did and get your hard-earned money is taken away from you. My wife loves Shih Tzu dogs so I finally decided to purchase one for her. I found this website Big Cat Shih Tzu and she fell in love with a puppy called Tyson. So like a good husband I decided to inquire about him because he was only $550 a very very good price for one of these beautiful dogs.
The total price from the seller was $700 that would include the price of puppy nanny service to deliver right to my door and a secure crate to ship on the plane from Helena Montana to Ontario California airport, which is only a 45 min drive from my house. This sounded too good to be true but we fell for the scam not just $700 but, the airfreight company Sky West Express was also a scam. We had to pay an additional $1200 for a special flying crate for puppies, but that I would be given back 95% of that on the completion of the delivery by the nanny to our home.
But that is not all when the plane arrived in Denver Co for a stop off I was informed by this scam Sky West Express agent named Just Favour that the Agriculture and Animal Affairs bureau had my puppy on hold due that I needed to send them another $999 for insurance before they would allow him to go to Ontario California Airport. Lucky for us that my bank with Zelle denied this payment due to them that it was a scam. That is when I got all sick in my stomach because I have never been scammed before in my life. I built this website in order to inform people of scams like this and l got taken by a very beautiful picture of Tyson or soon to be a brother to our 3-year-old Maltese/Shih Tzu mix.

Now we are broken-hearted due not only to losing $1900 but a beautiful baby puppy called Tyson. So please people do not fall for these peoples tactics. We have reported this to our back and they are working on trying to get our money back and also I put in a complaint with the FBI website and we are hoping they will shut these 2 websites down and arrest the assholes that run them.