Is Epic Traffic Ninja A Scam?

By | May 10, 2013

Epic Traffic NinjaWhat is Epic Traffic Ninja? Is Epic Traffic Ninja a Scam? Stop let me inform you as to what I found out about this before you buy it, read my Epic Traffic Ninja Review to see if it is a scam or legit!

Name: Epic Traffic Ninja


Owners: Richard Newton, Todd Gross, Vincent Inter & Daniel Lew

Price: $37 Upsell#1=$197 upsell#2=$97 upsell#3=$47

DS#1=$27         DS#2=$97       DS#3=$67       DS#4=$27

    DS = Discount

Overall Rating: 20 out of 100

Epic Traffic Ninja Overview

Epic Traffic Ninja

This is a You Tube Marketing step by step Training course which they have removed all the fluff and stuck with clear and simple instructions and they also show you all of there sources they use. There platform or system is called Scary YouTube Profits it also comes with a easy to follow menu consisting of a total of 10 different options that you can use to make very fast and good quality videos and it is easy to use.

Pros and Cons


  • Get lots of traffic and make money
  • Free Traffic
  • Build A large  e-mailing list to become a super affiliate
  • Forget about ranking your website high on Google
  • Piggyback on one of the most popular websites in the world You Tube


  • You need to be one of the authority webpages to get highly ranked and you do not have enough money for that
  • You need to make videos fast and plentiful to make large amounts of money
  • They say you can do it with this system but in reality are you a producer and actor?
  • Ranking part makes or breaks you, so you need to know a lot about SEO

Who Is Epic Traffic Ninja For?

Epic Traffic Ninja

This is just another internet marketing launch that was put together so all the top promoters can use it to drive there traffic to it and they all get rich quick on you. They promote it as being for you but like I said in reality they bring all of the big guns out to promote this and give out large money prizes to the top 10 sellers each and every time. The going word between them is who ever backs them they will also back the next guy with all of there traffic which is in the thousands and out of them there are a lot of people that fall for there rouse.

Now if you are looking for a place that is free from theses types of scams click below to join us in our fight against these ever growing scam artist that just loves to take your money and run!


Epic Traffic Ninja Tools And Training

You will get a tool system that shows you how to make YouTube videos for uploading to the internet for advertising niches and products. They also say that they will give you there personal training, but i am sure it is only a video or manual that will show you how to work this system. The free website indexer that they are giving you is an older version one that really does not work that well, it is advertised as an epic traffic and back link builder. I have the newer version and it does not work so I am sure the older version does not work either.

Epic Traffic Ninja Support

Epic Traffic Ninja

You get Richard Newtons signature support he says he is renowned for his support, also his 1on1 mentoring and he says he will supply his Skype account number. that’s to be seen these guys never let you know actually how to contact them after you buy there product especially after the 2 month guarantee is up

Epic Traffic Ninja Price

$37               Upsell#1=$197   upsell#2=$97     upsell#3=$47

DS#1=$27         DS#2=$97         DS#3=$67            DS#4=$27

DS = Discount

My Final Opinion of Epic Traffic Ninja

This product has the potential to work but it will take you way over the 2 month money back guarantee they offer you, There are free products and training that you can get on the internet about this system. The community that I am affiliated with gives all this info out for free once you become a member.

I have done my best to find out Is Epic Traffic Ninja A Scam!

Epic Traffic Ninja At A Glance…..

Name: Epic Traffic Ninja


Owners: Richard Newton, Todd Gross, Vincent Inter & Daniel Lew

Price: $37

Overall Rank: 20 out of 100


Epic Traffic Ninja

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