What is Mass Money Traffic Machine? Is Mass Traffic Money Machine a scam? Give me a few minutes of your time by reading my unbiased Mass Money Traffic Machine Review that way you can decide if this is a scam or legit!
Name: Mass Traffic Money Machine
Website: http://massmoneytrafficmachine.com
Price: $49 1st Upsell $297 2nd Upsell $197
Owners: Melford & Concetta Bibens and Winter Volko, These people are on the sales video that was made up for the Affiliate Marketers on how to sell this to you guys!
But the guy on the sales video says he is the owner of this product and his name is: Dan Jefferys
Overall Rank: 25 out of 100
Mass Money Traffic Machine Overview
This is the overview of the promotion that is giving to the already established internet marketer with there opt-in list all ready to go!
The Mass Traffic Money Machine Team has gone into construction mode to ensure that the affiliate marketer with his or her opt-in list can show there followers a system that they will love them for introducing this new concept of traffic driving technology.
The members area has an over delivery of software, training, and instructional material, but has been meticulously designed not to overwhelm their senses. then they go onto say this will forever change the way software is sold to the general public. So make bank and a happy list!
For the general public: This is an easy push button simple system that even the none tech savvy person can quickly and easily to make money, because all they need is a computer, internet connection and less then an hour per day. All you have to do is watch, listen and copy what he does and it will be virtually impossible to fail.
He says he is not here to brag like all the other internet gurus about how much and what they have gotten from there systems they came out with, because there are plenty of them out there and none of them has worked so far! You can make over $924 per day by copping him and just following the steps of his system. The others have been selling you old,outdated and downright trashy techniques!
The Pros And Cons
- You do not need a website
- You do not know how to make money online
- You do not need to be tech savvy
- You do not need to be a writer
- All you need is the desire to succeed
- You can not make any kind of money on the web without a website
- You do need to have knowledge about how to make money online
- Its true you do not need to be tech savvy to build a website especially with the large community that I am affiliated with and we can teach you for FREE!
- There is no way you can get your website ranked on Google and the others with out content so you do need to know how to write
Who Is Mass Money Traffic Machine Really For?
This is designed for all the Internet Marketers that have already established an e-mail list to make large profits for them by promoting this product to as many people out there that are just trying to make ends meet with this terrible economy we are in now. If they can get you in and start teaching all the ins and outs of the business you will go past the 60 day money back guarantee and then they have your money and you have a useless system that probably generates a few dollars here and there.
Now if you are looking for a place that is free from theses types of scams click below to join us in our fight against these ever growing scam artist that just loves to take your money and run!
Mass Money Traffic Machine Tools and Training
Teaches you how to “Steal”buyers and commissions from the biggest sellers on the planet!
- Completely OWN and PROFIT from every one of the 50,000 plus HOT BUYING MARKETS on the web with 100% FREE TRAFFIC.
- Receive a full 100% refund for EVERY PENNY you paid if you’re not completely thrilled with the amount of money you can make on autopilot!
- Built specifically for the ‘average Joe’ to go from newbie to super affiliate in the first 60 days with point and click ease! This is what I’m talking about it will take you over 60 days to get this down and making money, so there goes your refund!
- Free Custom Made Enterprise Level sites for action taking members! You get these sites for free but there is a charge of $255 to get them set up first!
- Use this autopilot technology to drive floods of buyers from ALL of the major search engines (YES, that includes Google, Amazon, YouTube…
EVERY ONE OF THEM!) - Receive an Instant Elite Level Membership Upgrade the minute you join!
- These are all of the tools and training I got out of this scam!
Mass Money Traffic Machine Support
I did not see any type of support for the general public that this is being sold to but there is a support contact for the Internet Marketers that is promoting this to you!
Melford and Concetta Bibens: MandC@massmoneytrafficmachine.com
Winter: Winter@massmoneytrafficmachine.com
Mass Money Traffic Machine Price
$49 the discount is $39
1st Upsell $297 the discount is $167
2nd Upsell $197 the discount is $147
The 5 free bonus websites you get will cost you $255 each to get set up and then a hosting fee from then on!
My Final Opinion of Mass Money Traffic Machine
This is just another super hype video that is trying to sell dreams to people that are struggling with there own life’s financial problems and wishing that they can use this system to get to the same level that these actors on the video are portraying! Once you sign up with the $49 or $39 to open up the fantastic world this system is promising you, then you get the first upsell of $297 but as usual if you decline that they hold you on the page and offer it to you for a lower discount price of $167! Then you run into the second upsell of $197 just like the first one they will keep you on the page and give it to you for a discounted $147! The funny part of this is that when you put your e-mail address in here to get to the system he is building his list of opt ins for the next big future launch of the best system on the market. I’m just letting you know do not buy into this ever revolving system that these guys have came up with to make easy money of desperate people struggling to make ends meet! I myself have fallen prey to these internet gurus until I found two guys on the internet that have set up a community of followers and everyone of them are willing to help you succeed at no cost to you, because we have been there and done that so come join us instead!
I hope I have answered the question Is Mass Money Traffic Machine A Scam if not let me know if you have any more questions about it?
Mass Money Traffic Machine At A Glance….
Name: Mass Money Traffic Machine
Website: http://massmoneytrafficmachine.com
Owners?: Melford & Concetta Bibens and Winter Volko, These people are on the sales video that was made up for the Affiliate Marketers on how to sell this to you guys!
But the guy on the sales video says he is the owner of this product and his name is: Dan Jefferys
Price: $49 > $39
First upsell $297 > $167
Second upsell $197 > $147
Free Websites $255 to set up and maintain plus monthly hosting
Overall Rank: 25 out of 100
If you have any questions about the content in this website, the products or services mentioned, or any question at all really, please feel free to contact me at the following email address. It would be great to get any feedback or comments about our site if you’ve found it helpful or have thoughts on how I can improve the site.
Please contact me at tommy@safestplacetoavoidscams.com
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I reply to all messages as quickly as possible.
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